Technology Tips

April 30, 2024

Improving Employee Productivity

Written By Securafy Team

"I was at work for eight hours, but I don't feel like I got anything done!"

If your employees say things like this or seem to struggle to meet their goals or complete daily tasks, your business has a productivity problem. Being productive doesn't mean being busy (you can be busy without completing any meaningful work) but rather refers to the ability to produce high-quality work efficiently.  

Creating meaningful change with proven strategies for improving employee productivity and performance supports a healthy bottom line and ongoing business growth. If you're serious about improving employee performance, the following tips and ideas can help your employees get more done every day while also increasing their company loyalty and overall satisfaction.

Revamp Your Hiring and Onboarding Processes 

It's essential to evaluate whether candidates for open positions in your organization have what it takes to perform the job duties. It's even more important to gauge whether they mesh with the company's culture.

Enhancing workplace efficiency and supporting productivity requires clearly explaining your expectations for team members during the hiring process. This way, candidates can determine whether their work style, beliefs, and values align with yours before accepting the position. A poor culture match can mean disengaged workers who are less productive and a drain on resources.

Hiring doesn't end with a candidate accepting the position, though. Comprehensive onboarding is crucial to improving employee productivity.

Many of the proven methods for productivity improvement, like thorough training, a formal feedback process, and ongoing support and communication, also help new people integrate into the company culture more quickly and effectively. Not only will they feel more welcome, but effective onboarding supports better collaboration, another characteristic of a highly productive organization.

Create an Employee-Friendly Environment 

It's hard to get work done — or do anything well — in an uncomfortable environment full of obstacles. Changing the physical work environment is a proven method of boosting workforce efficiency. Some strategies to try include:

  • Increasing natural light to reduce fatigue
  • Creating a common area for socializing and taking breaks
  • Reducing noise cuts down on stress and distractions
  • Updating and maintaining all office equipment and keeping supplies stocked

Creating an environment where people feel supported and recognized can also improve their work output. People will always do more when they feel appreciated, so take time to highlight achievements and thank your team for their efforts. 

Eliminate Distractions

It's no secret that many workers spend too much time on low-priority tasks and not enough on more important work. Constantly checking emails and instant messages, attending lengthy meetings, and frequent interruptions eat up critical time employees could spend working on higher-priority tasks. 

One of the best strategies for increased productivity is establishing norms to curb disruptions. For example, limiting meetings and their length is an effective and often welcome employee productivity enhancement. 

That said, avoid micromanaging. Allowing your workers to be in charge of their time is one of the best methods of improving employee productivity. You hired them for their skills, so trust them to do their work how they see fit, even if it's not how you might approach it.


Picture of Securafy Team
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