Technology Tips

March 08, 2024

Remote Work Security: Safeguarding Digital Assets in a Decentralized Environment

Written By Securafy Team

Is yours one of the thousands of corporations encouraging people to return to the office? Perhaps your employees aren’t budging on discontinuing their digital freedom for more traditional arrangements. You’re not alone if your business is struggling to find a balance.

However, while you work out the details, you’ll want to consider remote work security measures for your business. If not, your operation will be wide open to those who don’t have your bottom line or best interests at heart. Here’s more about how to take a stand on cybersecurity in and out of the office.

The Remote Workplace: Top Security Concerns

Remote work benefits your employees’ mental health, which benefits productivity. Unfortunately, just one swoop of a well-planned cybercrime can erode any perks your business enjoyed from happier employees. Here’s the problem:

Larger Attack Surface

Staff members using devices within a single location offer cybercriminals a narrower target. With multiple locations, everyone’s personal devices and porous networks accessing your company’s internal infrastructure can spell disaster.

Zero Employee Awareness

Before working remotely, nobody thought about connection security because your business’s tech support handled it. Why would remote work security differ if your employees’ habits and training haven’t evolved?

Infrastructure Vulnerability

As pandemic restrictions gradually lifted, many remote workers have migrated to public Wi-Fi access libraries, coffee shops, or restaurants. These locations allow all parties present to join their network, leaving an opportunity for nefarious patrons to exploit an unaware user’s login credentials, passwords, answers to security questions, and much more. 

Businesses Need To Be Developing Remote Work Security Now and Later

A small business owner might already appreciate the benefits of remote or hybrid positions that empower staff to work virtually anywhere. Can you afford to exchange sensitive information for flexibility, though? Of course not.

Try implementing the following remote work security best practices to protect your people and digital assets:

  • Awareness: Does your team know about secure remote work measures? Training and ongoing discussions increase awareness and proactivity. 
  • Infrastructure: Has your business supplied devices? Equip them with protective software to detect and prevent attacks. 
  • Framework: A zero-trust framework prevents unauthorized access to digital assets. Authentication is essential for all your network’s users from any location. 
  • Analytics: Everyone uses their devices differently. Could AI and machine learning applications help you identify and analyze suspicious account activity?

Embrace Remote Work Security and Watch Your Company Thrive

The rise and perpetuation of remote positions require appropriate security measures. Take heart; facilitating work-from-anywhere positions can greatly benefit business owners when designed correctly.


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