Technology Tips

January 12, 2024

The Importance of Encrypting Your Data

Written By Securafy Team

Safeguarding your business’s data is a constant challenge. Regarding data security, it’s easy to focus on keeping hackers out of your operation’s sensitive information or protecting trade secrets. However, relying on this approach alone won’t fully protect you.

Data encryption standards are ideal for business owners who want real defenses on all sides. Let’s look at the importance of encrypting your data and how best to do so.

What Is Data Encryption?

Encryption is the process of encoding information. This process transforms information into a digitally unreadable form. Only those with the right encryption key can decipher the unreadable data to access the original information.

Two Types of Encryption Methods

Hacking and phishing attacks have grown, and these attacks are getting harder to defend against. However, this is an expected trend as businesses take their operations online. So, savvy business owners understand that it is not the attacks but a lack of encryption that’s the main reason businesses lose sensitive data.

Never underestimate the importance of encrypting your data. The only way to keep your business’s data secure is to ensure only those with authorized access can understand it. Thankfully, this is a fairly simple solution to put in place with either of the two major types–asymmetric and symmetric.

Asymmetric Encryption

There are two keys in asymmetric encryption, also known as public key encryption. One party uses one key to encrypt the information. Another party uses a different key to decrypt it. 

The decryption key is secret. The encryption key is shared publicly.

Symmetric Encryption

With this type of encryption algorithm, everyone in the network uses one secret key to encrypt and then decrypt the information.

The Importance of Encrypting Your Data For Business Security and Good Standing

Why is it so important to encrypt your business data? Let’s say, despite your best efforts, a hacker manages to access your organization’s network. The hacker will have a field day if the data inside isn’t encrypted. 

On the other hand, if all the information the hacker finds appears jumbled, they won’t be able to use it against you or know where to go from there. Here are other reasons encrypting your business data is essential:

Facilitate Secure Data Transfer for Your Business Network 

Data is most vulnerable on the move. With encryption, you won’t have to worry about data transfers.

Protect the Information Across Multiple Devices for Total Security

Your employees use multiple devices. Securing all devices connected to your network is far easier if you encrypt the data.

Data Integrity

Suppose a nefarious party penetrates your network and finds unencrypted data. In that case, they’ll likely encrypt it themselves and hold it for ransom. Secure encryption makes that scenario impossible.

Peace of Mind With Quality Data Encryption for Businesses

Business data is increasingly valuable, which is why it’s a target. As a business owner, you cannot afford to underestimate the importance of encrypting your data. Firewalls may help, but should hackers break through these defenses, you’ll rest easier knowing encryption protects all your sensitive information, including customer data.


Picture of Securafy Team
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