Further, many companies will engage with third-party specialists to provide round the clock monitoring. Managers invest even more money to ensure that regular backups are taken. This is so that if the worst happens, the process of recovery will be relatively quick and the company can get back to the business of its business with as little downtime as possible.
All of that is commendable, but the unfortunate reality is that even the most elaborate and expensive systems designed to defend your corporate network can be reduced to nothing by one moment of carelessness by one of your firm's employees.
If you want to increase the return on your IT Security investment, the very best thing you can do is educate your workforce to the dangers that are lurking on the 'net. Teach them security best practices so that they become part of your network security solution rather than being yet another risk factor you have to guard against.
A few examples of the way your employees may be unwittingly putting your firm at risk include the following:
All of these pose a very real risk to the security of your company. Make sure your employees get the training they need to keep both themselves and your corporate network safe.