Why you need a security company
2020 was a remarkable year for a plethora of reasons, whether it was the drastic shift in work environments due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the civil unrest that affected numerous cities, or the devastating cyberattacks that struck the government and countless businesses across the nation. All of this means that safety and security is more important than ever, and for a small business owner, managing network security is one of the most important and most difficult tasks they can do. Unfortunately, unless your business is peddling network security, you can often be left vulnerable simply due to not knowing what’s needed to be secure. Fortunately, there are businesses that do peddle network security.
A managed service provider, or MSP, is dedicated to selling safety and peace of mind to any number of businesses in need of network security. It’s more important than ever that your data is managed with care and expertise, or you could be the next victim of a cyberattack that costs your business thousands of dollars. Many businesses rely on the services of an MSP, as it’s a much more affordable security option than running a dedicated IT department.
In addition to security challenges facing businesses as we begin the new year, technical challenges arise as many businesses shift toward working from home. With every employee having entirely different network setups, it’s a monumental task to manage all of this with the security you need to protect your business’s data. Not to mention, simply setting up to do the work can be a difficult task, with every employee using their own computers on their own networks, having to install all of their own applications, connecting to every single one on a connection that may not be secure… Much easier solutions exist, but if you’ve never had to set them up before, doing so securely can be an impossible task.
Of course, the most important reason to hire an MSP is for network security. Cybercrime has caused trillions of dollars in losses globally, and many of those losses could have been prevented with proper security protocols in place. Constant network monitoring, secure data backups, and even regular employee training are all key to operating a business safe from the threat of cybercriminals. Otherwise, you might find yourself the victim of a casual phishing attempt that spirals into a ransomware attack, encrypting all of your business’s data and forcing you to pay an exorbitant fee just to get it back, and even that doesn’t always work. An MSP also serves as an outside source of security, and wouldn’t be affected if a business’s entire network were infected.
Business owners often have to wear many hats, but it’s also important to know when the scope of a task is too great for any one person to handle. Cybersecurity is not only recommended for many businesses, it’s often required. Cybercrime has become not just a threat, but a reality for thousands of business owners, and even if the worst hasn’t happened to you yet, that’s no reason to relax. Cybersecurity can be a full time job, and rather than trying to manage it on your own, you should rely on the expertise and experience of an MSP to keep your business safe.

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