
Ask The Expert

You search, we answer. Our in-house experts, Randy Hall (CEO/Founder) and Rodney Hall (President/Operations Manager), are here to answer questions about cybersecurity to IT solutions, explore expert advice and practical insights to help you stay secure, efficient, and ahead of the curve.

A phishing attack happens when someone tries to trick you into giving up sensitive info—like passwords or credit card details—by pretending to be someone you trust, usually through fake emails or messages. The best way to protect yourself is by staying alert and double-checking any links or attachments before clicking. 


Stay protected with weekly tips from our experts: Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

To protect your business from hackers, focus on simple but effective practices like using strong passwords, keeping software updated, and training your team to recognize suspicious emails or links. Partnering with a trusted IT service provider like Securafy helps you put layers of security in place so you're not an easy target. 


Learn how we can help with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Ransomware is a type of malware that locks you out of your computer or files until you pay a ransom. Hackers usually get in through phishing emails or weak security, so the best defense is regular backups, updated systems, and staying cautious with what you click on.


See if your business is prepared with a Free Network Assessment 

Absolutely. Cybercriminals know that small businesses often don't have the same security as larger companies, making them an easy target. Investing in basic cybersecurity measures can save your business from data breaches, fines, or worse—going out of business after a major attack. 


Discover how we can help with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

It's tough to know for sure, but if you have updated software, strong passwords, regular backups, and professional monitoring, you're on the right track. Regular security audits can also help identify any weak spots that hackers might exploit.


Find out where you stand with a Free Network Assessment

Cybersecurity is crucial because a single data breach can cause serious financial damage, hurt your reputation, and even shut down your business. Investing in protection now ensures you avoid costly problems later.


Learn more by scheduling a Discovery Call 

Signs of a hack include unusual activity, such as new programs or files you don’t recognize, strange login attempts, or your system running slower than usual. If you suspect something’s off, act fast—contact your IT team to investigate.


Stay a step ahead with our Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security that requires you to enter a code (usually sent to your phone) along with your password. It makes it much harder for hackers to access your accounts. 


Learn more in our Resource Library 

A strong password should be at least 12 characters long, combining uppercase, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid using common phrases or personal info like your birthdate. 


Get more tips on securing your business with our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week

Absolutely. Small businesses are prime targets because hackers know they often lack the same level of security as larger corporations. Don’t let size fool you—every business needs protection. 


See how secure your business is with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

If you’ve experienced a data breach, act fast. Change all passwords, notify affected customers, and investigate how the breach happened. Most importantly, strengthen your security measures to prevent future incidents. 


Take the first step towards protection with a Discovery Call 

With more businesses relying on digital tools, cybercriminals are finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities. As tech evolves, so do the tactics of hackers, making cybersecurity more important than ever. 


Stay ahead with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment

Training your employees to recognize phishing emails and suspicious links is crucial. Regular cybersecurity awareness training can significantly reduce the chances of human error leading to a breach. 


Protect your team with our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

Managed IT services involve outsourcing your IT needs to a dedicated team that handles everything from network monitoring to cybersecurity. It helps businesses stay secure and efficient without the overhead of an in-house IT department. 


Learn more by downloading our IT Buyers Guide 

To prevent identity theft, use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and avoid sharing personal information on unsecured websites. Regularly monitor your accounts for any suspicious activity. 


Get personalized tips with a Cybersecurity Assessment

Public Wi-Fi is risky because it’s easier for hackers to intercept your data. If you must use public Wi-Fi, always connect through a VPN to add an extra layer of security. 


Learn more about secure network practices in our Resource Library 

Without backups, you risk losing critical business data permanently if there’s a cyberattack, system failure, or accidental deletion. Regular backups ensure you can recover quickly without major disruptions. 


Make sure your data is protected with a Free Network Assessment 

Implement password policies that require employees to use strong, unique passwords. Regularly remind them to update passwords and enable two-factor authentication wherever possible. 


Access our expert tips in the Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

IT support includes everything from fixing tech issues to monitoring your systems and ensuring your network is secure. It’s about keeping your business running smoothly without interruptions. 


Explore how managed IT can benefit your business with our IT Buyers Guide 

Spam emails often result from your email being harvested from websites or leaked in data breaches. Be cautious where you share your email address and use a spam filter to block suspicious messages. 


Keep your inbox secure with tips from our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

Frequent crashes may be caused by outdated software, malware, or hardware issues. Regular maintenance, updates, and antivirus scans can keep your system running smoothly. 


Schedule a Free Network Assessment to find out what's slowing your systems down.

Internet drops can be caused by anything from weak Wi-Fi signals to outdated routers. Check for interference from nearby devices and ensure your equipment is up to date. 


Need help troubleshooting? Get in touch with us for a Discovery Call

If you receive a suspicious email, don't click any links or download attachments. Report it to your IT team, delete the email, and run a security scan just to be safe. 


Stay alert with our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week

Even if things seem fine, proactive IT support prevents problems before they start. From security threats to system updates, IT support keeps your business running smoothly without unexpected downtime. 


See how managed IT can benefit your business by reading our IT Buyers Guide 

Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, encrypt sensitive data, and regularly back up your systems. Most importantly, keep your cybersecurity measures up to date. 


Take action now with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

IT support is proactive, managing and monitoring your entire IT infrastructure, while tech support is reactive, fixing specific issues as they arise. IT support helps prevent problems before they happen. 


Learn more about the benefits of IT support in our IT Buyers Guide 

Limit access to sensitive data, use encryption, and ensure that your employees follow security best practices like strong passwords and secure connections. 


Get personalized advice with a Discovery Call 

Start with the basics: strong passwords, regular updates, employee training, and two-factor authentication. These simple steps can greatly reduce your risk of a cyberattack.


For more security tips, check out our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

Outsourcing your IT to a managed services provider like Securafy gives you access to a full team of experts without the overhead of hiring in-house. Plus, you get around-the-clock support. 


Learn more by scheduling a Discovery Call 

Without a cybersecurity plan, you’re leaving your business exposed to data breaches, financial losses, and reputation damage. A single attack could be devastating. 


Start building your plan with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

This is called two-factor authentication (2FA), and it adds an extra layer of security by requiring not just your password, but also a second form of verification, like a text message or an app. It’s a simple way to make your accounts much harder to hack. 


Stay secure with more tips from our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week

When working from home, make sure to use a secure Wi-Fi connection, install antivirus software, and keep your system updated. Avoid using personal devices for work, and always connect through a VPN when handling sensitive information. 


Check your security status with a Free Network Assessment 

Having a backup internet connection, such as a mobile hotspot or a second provider, can keep your business running smoothly. It's also essential to have local backups of critical files so you can work offline when needed. 


Learn how to improve your network reliability with a Discovery Call

Phishing is when hackers try to trick you into giving up sensitive info, usually by sending fake emails or messages that look like they’re from legitimate sources. Avoid it by double-checking links, not opening suspicious attachments, and training your team to spot red flags. 


Stay ahead of phishing scams with tips from our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

To secure remote devices, use encrypted connections (like VPNs), install antivirus software, enforce strong password policies, and ensure devices are updated regularly. It’s also important to limit access to sensitive data based on the employee’s role. 


Protect your remote team with a Free Network Assessment 

Social engineering is when hackers manipulate people into giving up confidential information, like login details or financial info. This often involves fake calls, emails, or even in-person tactics where the attacker pretends to be someone they’re not.


Learn how to protect against social engineering with our Cybersecurity Assessment 

To stop ransomware attacks, regularly back up your data, keep your software updated, train employees to avoid phishing scams, and use strong security tools like firewalls and antivirus programs. 


Find out how protected you are with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Public cloud services are shared across multiple users, while private cloud services are dedicated to a single organization. The private cloud offers more control and security, while public cloud services are often more cost-effective. 


Learn more about cloud solutions in our Resource Library 

Run a full antivirus scan to remove the virus. If that doesn’t work, you may need to use a specialized malware removal tool. It’s important to act quickly to minimize damage and prevent the virus from spreading. 


For expert help, schedule a Discovery Call 

Look for common red flags, like misspellings, suspicious links, and unfamiliar senders. Also, check the URL carefully—fake sites often have slight variations in the address, like missing letters or added numbers. 


Protect your team with regular training and our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

Zero Trust security is a model that requires everyone—whether inside or outside the organization—to be continuously verified before accessing any systems or data. It’s a more secure way of controlling who has access to what in a business environment. 


See if your business could benefit from Zero Trust with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

To keep your data secure in the cloud, always use strong encryption, control access by role, regularly audit your cloud security settings, and choose trusted providers with a proven security track record. 


Learn more about cloud security with our Free Network Assessment 

A DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack overwhelms your system with traffic, causing a website or service to go offline. To prevent it, use firewalls, load balancing, and have a plan in place to mitigate the effects quickly.

 Learn more about protecting your business from attacks with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Slow internet can be caused by several things: outdated equipment, too many devices on the network, or interference from nearby electronics. Upgrading your router, limiting the number of devices, and contacting your provider can help improve your connection. 


Get your network checked with a Free Network Assessment 

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet where illegal activities often occur, including the sale of stolen data. If your data has been breached, it could be sold on the dark web, which is why strong cybersecurity measures are crucial. 


Stay safe with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Ensure your data backups are encrypted, stored in multiple locations (including offsite or cloud), and done regularly. Test your backups periodically to make sure they can be restored quickly in case of an emergency. 


Learn how to secure your backups with a Free Network Assessment 

A patch update fixes security vulnerabilities in your software. Installing these updates as soon as they’re available is critical to keeping your systems safe from newly discovered threats. 


Learn more about patch management with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

When choosing an IT service provider, look for one with experience in your industry, proven results, and a commitment to proactive monitoring and cybersecurity. Make sure they offer 24/7 support so your business is always covered. 


Schedule a Discovery Call to find out how Securafy can help. 

If you’ve been hit by a cyberattack, your ability to recover data depends on having secure, up-to-date backups in place. If backups are unavailable, you may need professional help to recover what’s possible. 


Get your recovery plan in place with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Overheating can happen due to dust buildup, poor ventilation, or faulty hardware. Make sure your computer is placed in a well-ventilated area, clean out any dust, and consider upgrading your cooling system if necessary. 


Get your hardware checked with a Free Network Assessment 

To secure remote devices, ensure they use a VPN, enable encryption, and have updated security software. Regular employee training on remote work security is also key to keeping your business safe. 


Protect your remote workforce with a Free Network Assessment 

Social engineering is when hackers trick people into revealing sensitive information by posing as legitimate contacts. Training your team to recognize and avoid suspicious requests is one of the best ways to prevent these attacks. 


Learn how to defend against social engineering with a Cybersecurity Assessment 

Regular backups, strong email security, employee training, and keeping your software updated are key to stopping ransomware. Being proactive is the best way to avoid getting locked out of your own data. 


Ensure your business is prepared with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Fake emails and websites often have subtle typos, strange links, and generic greetings. Always double-check the sender and URL before clicking on anything suspicious. 


Stay informed with our Cybersecurity Tip of the Week 

To keep cloud data secure, enable encryption, use strong access controls, and ensure regular backups. Choose cloud providers that prioritize data security and compliance. 


Secure your cloud infrastructure with a Free Network Assessment 

Intermittent internet drops can be caused by outdated equipment, network congestion, or interference from other devices. Upgrading your router or adjusting settings can help. 


Diagnose your network issues with a Free Network Assessment 

Public cloud services are shared by multiple businesses, while private cloud services are dedicated to one organization. Public clouds are cost-effective, while private clouds offer more security and control. 


Explore your cloud options with a Discovery Call 

Without a cybersecurity plan, your business is vulnerable to attacks, data breaches, and financial losses. A plan helps you prepare, prevent, and respond to threats effectively. 


Start your cybersecurity journey with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

The best way to recover data after a cyberattack is to have secure, regular backups in place. If your data is encrypted or lost, you’ll need these backups to get your business back on track quickly. 


Protect your data with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment 

Start by implementing basic security measures like strong passwords, firewalls, antivirus software, and regular employee training. Partnering with a trusted IT service provider also adds an extra layer of protection. 


Get started with a Free Cybersecurity Assessment